As you visit the official website of YBDIGITALPRO (, you now abide by all the terms and conditions for the services. You also choose to stick to the complaint laws, which might be applicable along with the local laws governing company policy.
In case you do not wish to comply with any of the terms and conditions which we have set up, you can easily choose to opt out from using the official website of YBDIGITALPRO. Do remember that each of the contents that have been posted on the official website is protected by trademark law and is owned by us at YBDIGITALPRO as the sole copyright owner.
For the Agreement, the websites owned, operated, or hosted by the company or on its behalf, are collectively referred to as the Company Websites. For clients to access Company Services or Websites, extra information or registration credentials may be needed. In addition, the Client must supply correct, up-to-date, and comprehensive information to use the Services or access the Company Websites. Suppose the company determines that the Client has provided inaccurate, current, or complete. In that case, access to any Company websites, services, or resources may be denied to Clients, and Client accounts may be canceled or suspended at any time.
01. User License
We thus authorize you to temporarily download a copy of the content or software found on the YBDIGITALPRO website. This is solely for temporary viewing for personal, non-commercial use.
We give you the right to see; we don’t give you the right to transfer the title. Additionally, you are prohibited from altering the materials on our website for any commercial reason or public exhibition according to this Agreement (commercial or non-commercial). Removing copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials, their transfer to another person or their “mirroring” on another server would all be illegal under Indian law. This would also apply to any attempt to decompile or reverse engineer software found on YBDIGITALPRO’s website.
If you have any disagreements regarding the ones exhibited on the website, your license can be terminated by YBDIGITALPRO. If this license or your right to access these materials ends, you must delete any downloaded materials that you have obtained, whether in digital or printed form.
02. Disclaimer
One of the most important things about the content portrayed by the YBDIGITALPRO website is that they are on a completely “as-is” basis. No warranties, either portrayed or even implied, are made by YBDIGITALPRO. All other warranties, including any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of any intellectual property rights or other rights, are now disclaimed and negated.
Additionally, YBDIGITALPRO makes no guarantees or claims as to the accuracy, likely outcomes, or reliability of the use of the contents on this website or otherwise connected to such materials or other sites linked to this one.
03. Accuracy of Content Materials
Each of the materials which have been shown on the official website of YBDIGITALPRO may have a possibility of different error genres like technical, typography as well as photographic errors. At YBDIGITALPRO, we do not endorse that each of the content that has been posted is 100% accurate or not deviant from the base. We can also make tweaks anytime without any prior intimidation; hence, the entire showcase is our brainchild. The most important thing that needs to be mentioned is that YBDIGITALPRO does not have any prior commitments when it comes to updating the material as per your needs.
04. Links
At YBDIGITALPRO, we do not hold accountability for any of the links provided because we have not checked the content nor the updates provided individually. Furthermore, any of the links we used at YBDIGITALPRO does not imply that it has been endorsed for the long term. Accessing links is the user’s discretion and does not fall under our prerogatives.
05. Modifications
These terms of service for our website may be changed at any moment without prior notification by YBDIGITALPRO. You consent to be bound by the updated version of these terms of service by using this website under all junctures.
06. Governing Law
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed following the laws of India. You expressly consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State or location.